Gitora For Data 1.2 build 2
October 18, 2023
Microsoft SQL Server Support
Gitora For Data now supports Microsoft SQL Server, as well as PostgreSQL and Oracle.
Selective import and deletion
Users can now import a single entity, delete all rows from a single table or every table in the repo with a single click.
Bug fixes
Entity search bug fixed. Various other bug fixes.
Gitora For Data 1.1 build 2
October 5, 2023
PostgreSQL Support
Gitora For Data now supports PostgreSQL database as well as Oracle.
Various bug fixes
File locks were not being removed after Git operations. Various other bug fixes.
Gitora Version Control 7.1.3 build 33
September 30, 2023
Bug Fix
Could not remove schemas from the managed schemas list in a repo.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 2.3.1 build 24
September 29, 2023
Bug Fixes
Creating new objects was not working. Various minor improvements. Client side library updates.
Gitora For Data 1.0 build 1
September 29, 2023
First Release
First version of the application released.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 2.3 build 23
August 22, 2023
Enhanced Schema Browser
You can now add schemas to the schema browser.
Bug fixes
Various bug fixes.
Gitora Version Control 7.1.2 build 32
August 17, 2023
Bug Fix
The commit screen was not being initialized correcly and was showing text from previous commits.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 2.2.3 build 22
August 17, 2023
You can now import JSON and CSV files generated by the Gitora Editor to tables.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 2.2.2 build 21
August 3, 2023
Download Query results
You can now download the query results from the Query Results tab as JSON or CSV.
Important Bug Fix
Due to a bug, the AI Assisant wasn't displaying code completions when editing a PL/SQL object such as a package.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 2.2.1 build 20
August 3, 2023
AI Assistant Improvements
With this version, the AI Assistant knows about not just tables but other database objects as well. Make sure to select the database object from the suggestion box while you write to the AI.
(The AI will not detect non-table database objects automatically because doing so would slow down response times a lot with little benefit due to the OpenAI models' context memory limitations.) This update improves the AI's ability to write PL/SQL significantly. AI can populate your PL/SQL API's, write code to create SQL Type instances, detecting and populating constructors correctly etc...
Copy Query Results to Clipboard
You can now copy your query results to the clipboard with a single click using the new button the in the Query Results toolbar. The results can be copied as JSON or CSV. This helps with using the results to communicate with the AI Assistant.
Please be careful and NEVER send real data (user, customer, system etc..) to the AI. Always use fake, generated data when communicating with the AI Assistant.
Oracle Keywords removed from the Editors
Editors used to show every keyword imaginable in the auto complete suggestion boxes. They are all removed. The keywords are still in the installation zip file. You can add all or some of them back if you'd like.
Copy the keywords from /gitora/datastore/GitoraEditor/keywords_all.json file to the keywords.json file and they will start showing up in the editors.
Bug Fixes
Various bug fixes.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 2.2 build 19
July 31, 2023
AI Chat for SQL and PL/SQL
Chat with AI to build, explain, debug and improve your SQL queries and PL/SQL code. Gitora AI knows about your tables and their foreign key relationships.
Bug Fixes
Various bug fixes and UI improvements.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 2.1 build 18
July 21, 2023
AI Assistant
PL/SQL Editor with an AI Assistant. Gitora now uses AI to help you write PL/SQL! Please visit the learning center or the blog for more information.
Bug Fixes
Various bug fixes.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 2.0 build 17
July 12, 2023
PL/SQL Debugger
This version of the editor includes a PL/SQL Debugger
Features and Bug Fixes
Ability to close a peristent session from the Select Connection dialog. Various bug fixes.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 1.3.2 build 16
June 27, 2023
Bug Fix
In certain scenarios, the editor was showing old errors, even though the package was saved successfully.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 1.3.1 build 15
June 13, 2023
Bug Fix
Null keyword wasn't being highlighted in the editor.
Gitora Version Control 7.1.1 build 31
June 6, 2023
Bug fix:Dropping Tables with Triggers
Dropping a table that was being managed by Gitora was causing an exception if the table also had a trigger.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 1.3 build 14
June 2, 2023
Saving SQL Pads
Users can now save their SQL Pads and access them anywhere.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 1.2.5 build 13
May 30, 2023
New Database Object Creation Bug Fix
Fixed bugs that were hindering the creation of new database objects.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 1.2.4 build 12
May 29, 2023
Auto Complete Bug Fix
A bug was preventing auto complete from functioning properly in SQL Pads.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 1.2.3 build 11
May 26, 2023
Improved Auto Complete
When the user selects a table (or a view) from the suggestion box, its column names are loaded as new auto complete words to the editor. This help with writing select statements.
Gitora Version Control 7.1 build 30
May 24, 2023
Resouce Management
Better cursor management during Oracle database operations.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 1.2.2 build 10
May 22, 2023
Bug Fix
Prevented duplicate suggestions from showing up in edge cases.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 1.2.1 build 9
May 22, 2023
Bug Fix
A bug introduced in 1.2 caused the database object editors not show database objects as auto completion items.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 1.2 build 8
May 22, 2023
Auto Complete
Improved auto complete for database object code editors and sql pads. PL/SQL keywords and all objects in the current schema are now being suggested by the Gitora PL/SQL Editor.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 1.1.1 build 7
May 17, 2023
Signing in from Version Control
Bug fix: If a Gitora Version Control user opened the editor from the version control app, her editor session was being closed.
Gitora PL/SQL Editor 1.1 build 6
May 15, 2023
Recent Objects
Gitora now keeps a list of the last 100 database objects you opened. Click the Recent Objects tab after you sign in.
Bookmark database objects for quick access. Click the bookmark icon on the PL/SQL Editor toolbar to add or remove. Click the bookmark folder icon to access yor bookmarks.
Bookmark databases to show them at the top of your database list.
Database Users Without Passwords
Gitora now allows you to register database users without entering their passwords. Simply register a database user but don't enter a password. Gitora will ask for the password when you attempt to connect with the database user.